Nature workshops at Brama in the Gorce Mountains

We invite you to meet our educators and guides who will tell children and young people about the Gorce nature in an interesting way and make it really close to them.

If you want your students to:

  • they learned about the natural environment that surrounds them
  • they found out that nature is worth protecting
  • they learned to create works of art related to it
  • they practiced perceptiveness and mindfulness
  • they opened up to nature and lived in harmony with it

These workshops are for you!
We open September with the theme "THE FOREST AND ME". We adapt the form of classes to the age of participants. During the workshops, we introduce children to the nature around us in an interesting and practical way. During classes, we use worksheets, magnifying glasses, microscopes, and our own teaching materials. Thanks to brainstorming and practical tasks, our workshops provide exceptional quality time spent educational. If the weather permits, classes are partially held outdoors (under the supervision of our educator). Otherwise, the educational part is combined with elements of artistic work
or educational fun.

We run classes:

  • for preschoolers
  • primary school students
  • secondary school students

Please contact us at least 5 days in advance to arrange class dates. The price of the workshops is PLN 20 per person (minimum 15 people). The optimal number of participants is 20 people.
Telephone number for booking workshops: +48 577 018 048
E-mail contact:

Additionally, we organize integration bonfires for groups. Guaranteed pleasant time among the Gorce forests! Contact regarding reservations using the contact details provided above.